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Welcome to the
"Purpose to Profits" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interviews, and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to 
Turn Your Purpose as a Consultant or Coach into Profitable Reality!


Welcome to the "Enough Already" Blog

Actionable inspiration, expert interview and behind-the-scenes consulting and coaching secrets and best practices...all tied together by my mission to empower you to
Get Seen and Paid What You're Worth

The ONE THING You Need to Make a Successful Leap Into Consulting or Coaching

If you are interested in leaving your current job for the potential of running your own consulting or coaching practice, there is only one thing you need. You may think you need a lot of money in the bank and a "rolodex" of potential clients and referrals.

While those things are important, they...

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How to Trust Your Business Vision with Actress Turned Entrepreneur Kelly Collins-Lintz

This just in: doing what everyone expects of you is OUT, doing what what makes you happy is IN.

Kelly Collins-Lintz – actress of both film and movies, blogger, writer, momager (her kids are also in the acting biz on shows like Bosch, the Walking Dead, and Under the Dome) says...

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Want to Start a Consulting Business? 10 Reasons Why You Should!

This year marked my official 10 year anniversary of starting my own consulting business. It was back in 2010 when I officially launched my website and grew my consulting business from $0-$300,000 in the first 18 months.

Sounds exciting, right? I got a vision, had the courage to pursue it, and...

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Sustaining Success with Trust in Yourself with Dan Weedin

Bosses, colleagues and friends all questioned the wisdom of quitting his high-paying job and steady paycheck for the unknowns of starting his own consulting business.

After over 15 years of consistent and growing success - they now understand exactly why he did it. 

Dan Weedin is an author,...

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Laid off from work? Here's what to do next...

There is nothing more gut-wrenching than after investing years in a company and a career than getting laid off from work

Your mind gets that it's not about you. You understand the business rationale and the economic conditions that led your company make this decision that is completely...

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How to Budget for Your New Consulting or Coaching Business? [Behind-the-Scenes Tutorial]

Thinking about starting your own consulting business or coaching business and want to know exactly what it'll cost to make that happen and keep it running?

Then you're going to LOVE this week's tutorial video.

I asked my partner Jen Hamilton - our community Chief Operating Officer to be my guest...

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2020 Study: Why Smart People Start a Consulting Business (And What Holds Them Back)

So, you want to start a consulting business? Or interested in taking your consulting business the next level?

Most high-achieving professionals at some point in their career dream of ditching the pressure of the 70-hour workweeks and start a consulting business. But there are many factors that...

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20 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Own Business

As a business mentor, I obviously get asked all the time, "How do you start your own business?"

But the question I WISH I was asked all the time is, "How do you start the RIGHT business?"

Now that's a question! Sure, you need to know the smart and strategic steps to transition from corporate...

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Warning! Is Subcontracting Sabotaging Your Impact & Earning Potential?

One of the biggest mistakes that purpose-driven consultants and coaches make is pursuing a subcontracting business model.

What is a Subcontracting Business Model?

Subcontracting is what you do instead of doing the hard work to confront your fears about marketing and settling for a business...

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How to Define Success on Your Own Terms

“If your success is not on your own terms,
if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart,
it is not success at all.”
- Anna Quindlen

I really don’t know when I lost my passion for my role as an internal consultant at Walt Disney World. When I landed the job,...

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Consultants and Coaches vs. Subcontractors

A couple of days ago I wrote an article that differentiates between consultants and coaches and the respective business models. 

I realized that I was remiss in pointing out one business model that both might choose: becoming a subcontractor.

Quick Recap on the Difference Between Consultants...

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The Hidden Costs of Under-Investing in your Business Development

As a mentor who helps people turn their life work into their own businesses, I meet a lot of highly trained and experienced professionals with both vision...and fear.

Their vision is that they want to take control over their career and use their time and talents towards building their own bottom...

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